Author: Romina Damijanic

How Malta Gymnastics Federation Made Their National Championships More Efficient

The Malta Gymnastics Federation faces well known challenges in hosting its National Championships in women’s artistic gymnastics. Limited resources and a small pool of judges create a potential for bias and inefficiency. For this case study, we talked to Ms Francesca Borg, Technical Director of the Malta Gymnastics Federation, about how the Federation streamlined the 2024 National Championships (click on your mobile to watch the competition) using Elevien, an innovative platform for gymnastics competitions. Read on for a deep dive into organising a large gymnastics competition with remote judges, dealing with complaints and delays, and finding new ways to utilise technology for better gymnastics.


The Malta Gymnastics Federation has 8 affiliated clubs and over 70 gymnasts of different age groups, with some regularly appearing on European Championships and World Cup Events. However, being set on a small island can make gymnastics events challenging.

Gathering this gymnastics community at the National Championships is always a balancing act for Francesca, the only international judge in Malta. In organising a competition of this level, her primary role should be Supervisor Judge. However, with a small number of local judges, she always has to step in and evaluate some routines:

“I am limited with controlling the other judging panels. The judges usually try to figure out the scores together and ask me questions about deductions, so improper scores are common. But there is not much I can do; in the end, I have my own routines to judge. And I am not immune to bias either.”

The main challenge the Malta Gymnastics Federation has faced with National Championships is a shortage of judges. When asked if she considered alternative solutions to solve this, Francesca explained her options:

“Separating the event into two weekends creates issues with the facility and equipment. Scheduling the judges can be complicated too, as this is not their primary job. There are just not enough judges in Malta, and bringing foreign judges would be impossible with our budget: everyone has to fly here, and tourist accommodation is not cheap.”

Two more challenges have stopped Francesca from properly overseeing the competition: hectic scheduling and frequent complaints.

“We did not have proper starting orders. The order used to be quite flexible and changed throughout the competition, so everyone would approach the judges and ask who’s next instead of a salute. This made the schedule run late. (…) We spent about an hour resolving complaints; it takes a while to find a video of the routine in question from someone in the audience, then explaining the reasoning behind the scores. It made for a frustrating experience, both for me and for the judges.”


Francesca first heard about Elevien from the Portuguese Gymnastics Federation, who use Elevien to get remote judges for control competitions. After realising that this approach could benefit the Malta National Championships, she planned the implementation of Elevien with Marija, Customer Success Manager at Elevien.

The first step to ensuring proper supervision was finding remote international judges. For this, Francesca used Elevien’s judge database with 50+ FIG brevet judges available to work from home using the Elevien scoring system. She found five available international judges from the database and built judge juries of one international and up to four local judges for each WAG apparatus.

“I knew you could judge online with Elevien, but I thought it was just another scoring system. Now I know I can easily collaborate with international judges, and do it regularly. I am very thankful to the judges who were available for me.”

Elevien’s video recording feature was crucial to a successful competition. For the international judges to participate in the competition, there had to be a video of each gymnast’s routine on each apparatus. The Malta National Championships used some basic equipment for this:

  • Four smartphones (one each for Vault, Uneven Bars, Balance Beam and Floor) operated by volunteers at the venue,
  • A stable Wi-Fi connection,
  • Four SIM cards with mobile data (in case of Wi-Fi connectivity issues),
  • Four power banks (added layer of safety).

Elevien advised Francesca to set up a test competition during a training session at the venue to ensure everyone knew how to use the app on-site. The judges from Malta learned how to use Elevien for judging in a separate video meeting with Marija, Customer Success Manager at Elevien. Filip, Product Designer at Elevien, flew to Malta to assist with the competition on-site.

“Marija shared helpful insights about judging and had an answer to every question. And Filip was right by my side in Malta. He helped out with the Wi-Fi, assisted with recording, and made sure that we knew how to use the system if, for example, a gymnast did not compete. Their support was invaluable.”


With Elevien, Francesca managed to achieve her main goal: supervise the judging process without having to evaluate routines herself.

“Getting international judges involved meant that I could remove myself from the equation. I was able to control the competition and supervise the scoring without having to judge routines myself.”

Francesca used the Elevien Supervisor Judge view from her laptop. When we asked about her experience with Elevien as a Supervisor judge, she said:

“The Supervisor role in Elevien was an excellent experience. I knew exactly what was happening at all times. The video playback and the introduction of neutral international judges gave us a great boost. I didn’t need to deal with issues that, to be fair, don’t need to be there in the first place. It gave me peace of mind that the technical side was going well.”

On the judges’, gymnasts’ and others’ reactions to Elevien, Francesca acknowledged that new things are always challenging and that it is natural to be reserved. Her main focus was getting the local judges on board, which turned out to be very successful:

“This time, they were sat apart and could not see the other scores. They had to trust their gut, and it served as great practice for them. In fact, one judge came up to me after the competition to thank me. They understood that they could learn from the international judges; after all, brevet licenses are very recent and well-accredited.”

Francesca mentioned inquiries and other complaints about the scores as a source of frustration and delay and noted there were significantly fewer inquiries this year:

“Elevien took some responsibility for the complaints off our backs and gave us the evidence to handle them. For example, someone approached to ask why the judge did not count the handstand. I found the video in Elevien, saw the angle of the handstand, and explained the judge was correct. We usually get about 50 complaints like this. This year, we only got the one, and it was resolved in a minute.”

Elevien changed the usual process of organising the National Championships. Francesca highlighted the starting orders as a great step forward in that regard:

“This year, we had the starting orders in Elevien and we printed the lists on notice boards next to each apparatus. Everyone knew the starting order, and we clarified that it wouldn’t change unless a gymnast was not competing. This helped a lot with organisation.”

During the Malta National Championships and for three days after, this competition was viewed by 1500 people over 4000 times. Most views were from Malta, but there was also a significant interest from other European countries and beyond. This global audience was able to watch the event in Elevien because the organiser decided to make this a public competition. All public competitions in Elevien are open to watch for anyone who has the app on their phone, and any organiser can do the same for their event if they wish to achieve the same results. All they need to do is to contact the Elevien team at [email protected] – our team is happy to help.

Next steps

After a resounding success with Elevien at the Malta National Championships, Francesca is looking into new ways of improving gymnastics in Malta with Elevien. She now organises control competitions with remote international judges and cites a great experience across the board:

“I feel that it’s been more positive for everyone involved, especially the gymnasts and the coaches. When they have to look at a routine, they know where to go. The videos are properly taken and they can slowly analyse it. And there’s a lot they can see when they concentrate: it’s a totally different perspective, and it helps them a lot.”

Francesca is eager to introduce Elevien to improve as many aspects of gymnastics in Malta as possible.

Now I can understand much more of how I can utilize Elevien, which I honestly intend to. Gymnastics is our full-time job, and we will surely incorporate Elevien in upcoming competitions. I would advise everyone to try it.

Ready to revolutionise your competitions?

Elevien and International Gymnastics Federation collaborate on World Cups and World Challenge Cups

Reflecting on Cairo and Cottbus World Cups

Elevien’s Video and Result Book feature has already been used numerous times in small and mid-sized competitions, but Elevien and FIG jointly implementing it in two international gymnastics competitions of the highest level was a groundbreaking initiative and a true test of this different viewing experience.

After the FIG World Cup Cairo as the inaugural international gymnastics meet and the FIG World Cup Cottbus closely following, the Video and Result Book was a resounding success: 61,000 viewers from 50 countries worldwide dove into the action in the Elevien app to watch and share individual routine videos and their respective scores. Fans enjoyed their favourite gymnasts’ qualification routines, watching for a combined total of over 18,000 hours.

Beyond the numbers, the feedback from the gymnastics community on both international meets was overwhelmingly positive. Many viewers preferred an on-demand format that enables them to watch just the routines they want, including gymnasts and coaches who logged on to review their routines and compare them to the others.

The Elevien gymnastics app recording the FIG World Cup in Cairo.

Future collaborations

With two successful Video and Result Books behind us, Elevien and FIG are gearing up for an exciting lineup of gymnastics competitions to bring to a global audience:

  • FIG Apparatus World Cup Baku (AZE), March 7 – Mar 10
  • FIG World Challenge Cup Antalya (TUR), March 29 – Mar 31
  • FIG World Challenge Cup Osijek (CRO), Apr 4 – Apr 7
  • FIG Apparatus World Cup Doha (QAT), April 17 – Apr 20
  • FIG World Challenge Cup Varna (BUL), May 23 – Mar 26
  • FIG World Challenge Cup Koper (SLO), May 30 – Jun 2
  • FIG World Challenge Cup Szombathely (HUN), Oct 4 – Oct 6

For each of these gymnastics meets, Elevien and FIG remain focussed on enhancing the viewing experience for gymnastics enthusiasts and bringing gymnastics closer to fans everywhere. This is why Elevien will offer in-app results of Qualifications and Finals, as well as immediate access to Qualification videos after each event final. The Video and Result Books of all Qualifications will remain available free of charge for gymnastics fans to rewatch and share long after the competitions are done.


As Elevien and FIG continue their collaborative efforts to bring gymnastics closer to fans of the sport, and with the Paris Olympic Games around the corner, there’s never been a better time to immerse yourself in the excitement of the sport. The journey to the Finals of the biggest competitions in artistic gymnastics has never been more accessible and engaging.

Ready to experience world-class gymnastics? Download the Elevien app now and get set for the upcoming competitions!

Breaking news: Elevien records Cairo World Cup Qualification videos

The importance of FIG World Cups

Artistic gymnastics fans have been looking out for the FIG World Cup Series for weeks, if not months, and for good reason: the Series will determine a few more MAG and WAG gymnasts who will compete in the Paris Olympics in July 2024.

Since many spots have already been claimed in previous Olympic qualifying events, the World Cup Series marks one of the last chances to secure a performance on the biggest stage in sports. And with some already qualified gymnasts coming to compete, this gymnastics competition is a treat even without the Olympic factor.

However, while every gymnast, fan, coach, and judge has booked their spot in front of the TV to watch the Finals weeks in advance, there is one part of the Apparatus World Cup Series that only the live audience can witness at the competition venue: the Qualification round.

Qualification phase: The hidden side of big gymnastics competitions

The qualification phase is often overshadowed by the excitement of the World Cup Finals, partly because the Final phase gets extensive TV coverage. And sure, the Finals are probably more fun for most of the audience, especially when they’re Olympic qualifying events.

Qualification round scores and rankings are publicly available, but what the audience tends to miss is the context. Why did their favorite gymnast not qualify for the Finals? Was it a fall or a missed connection? Where did that neutral deduction come from? This crucial information, the kind that determines who we get to watch in the final round, is only available to the in-person audience.

Gymnasts who qualify often get a better score in the qualification round than in their final performance. Everybody knows nerves have a lot to do with it — but only those at the venue know where in the routine the nerves kicked in and how exactly it impacted the gymnast’s final score.

A person scrolling through the competition feed in the Elevien app.

How Elevien brings World Cup Qualifications to phone screens

This year’s World Cup marks a historical moment for audiences worldwide: the Cairo qualification round will be available as a Video and Result Book in the Elevien app. Gymnastics enthusiasts will watch MAG and WAG gymnasts compete for a spot in the Finals whenever they want, with the routine recordings stored forever in Elevien.

Unlike traditional TV broadcasts of gymnastics competitions, Elevien’s approach allows spectators to delve deeper into gymnastics. Each routine video is recorded separately, D and E scores are entered using the Elevien scoring system, and the spectator sees the automatically calculated final score, complete with a breakdown into D and E scores.

This viewing experience brings gymnastics to the audience in a more accessible way than ever. The average gymnastics fan can watch, rewatch, and share just the routines they want to at their own pace, without scrolling through a 4-hour gymnastics competition stream. By doing all this from their phone, they relive every key moment as many times as they want, for free — and without fighting for the TV remote.


Elevien’s Video and Result Book feature redefines how gymnastics fans engage with the sport, offering free and convenient access. Experience the entire Cairo World Cup from home for the first time in history: follow the qualification phase right from the palm of your hand.

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